What is Contemporary Medical Acupuncture?
Contemporary Medical Acupuncture is a technique that applies scientific explanation to an ancient Chinese therapy. It involves the insertion of small thin needles through the skin at specific points on the body with the purpose of stimulating nerve receptors. This triggers a release of various substances in the brain, spinal cord, and muscles. The result of acupuncture is an increase in blood flow, muscle relaxation, it promotes healing, changes the overall experience of pain, and additionally it creates a feeling of psychophysical well being.
Electrical stimulation, such as IFC or TENS, may also be applied to the needles to provide additional pain relief. Using acupuncture with stimulation has been proven to have a more widespread and longer lasting therapeutic effect. Contemporary Acupuncture is extremely safe, with serious side effects being very rare. Only single use sterile needles are used, and disposed of immediately following treatment. |
Where are Acupuncture Needles Inserted?
The needles may be inserted at multiple locations throughout the body during one treatment, all with a common therapeutic goal. For example, the needles may be inserted at the exact location of pain, up or down stream from the injured area along the same nerve supply, or at an axial/spinal location to stimulate the nerves directed as they emerge from the spine.
Acupuncture needles may also be inserted at systemic regulatory points, which are points on the body altogether different from the injury site but are known to influence the body’s own internal regulating system. Systemic regulatory points promote physical and emotional well being while stimulating the body’s natural healing abilities. |
What Conditions Benefit from Acupuncture?
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